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The Pre-Accounting solution for Invoices aims at expediting the process of creation for purchase journal entries in the accounting software.

In order to get a tailored file to import it in the accounting software, some steps need to be followed :

  1. Entry of mandatory accounts (supplier, expense and VAT) for each invoice

  2. Selection of the invoices among the ones which are ready to export

  3. Export of the CSV file

💡 Good to know: The mandatory account numbers to be filled in, are the same as those in your accounting tool to save time without having to re-enter anything.

Pre-Accounting tab

A new tab “Pre-Accounting” is added in Invoices, next to “Verified”.

The settings section is accessible from the "Expense Settings" button on the top right of the page ⚙️

This section, allows you to define the accounts to be used for each accounting invoice and has 3 tabs for each type of account.

This section has 3 tabs for each type of accounts.

Supplier accounts

In this tab, the accounts for each supplier are displayed. There are two columns :

  • Account number : this is the main account, only numbers can be entered.

  • Third-party account : sub-ledger to define it with more granularity (if it is not useful for one account, the user can type the same value as the one in account number)

To create a new supplier account, it is needed to click on the button “Add supplier account“

By clicking on this button, a modal opens with both fields to be completed, it is mandatory to submit a new account.

Expense accounts

In this tab, the accounts for each expense are displayed. There are two columns :

  • Account number : only numbers can be entered.

  • Name : the title to easily identify the type of expense.

To create a new expense account, it is needed to click on the button “Add expense account“

By clicking on this button, a modal opens with both fields to be completed, it is mandatory to submit a new account.

VAT accounts

In this tab, the accounts for each expense are displayed. There are three columns :

  • Account number : only numbers can be entered.

  • Vat Rate : percentage of the taxe rate.

  • Name : the title to easily identify the type of account.

To create a new Vat account, it is needed to click on the button “Add VAT account“

By clicking on this button, a modal opens with both fields to be completed, it is mandatory to submit a new account.

Entry of mandatory accounts

Selection and creation of accounts for one invoice

Based on what was set up for the chart of accounts in Expenses settings, you can select in a drop down for each field the account at the invoice level.

If you realize, an account is missing, it is possible to create it directly by clicking on the button “Create” at the bottom of the dropdown, the modal will open and the flow is similar to the one in Expenses settings. After the creation, this new account will be automatically filled in the invoice from where it was created.

To Prepare status

When the entry of accounts hasn’t been completed and validated, the status of this invoice in the Accounting tab is “To Prepare”.

By clicking on this invoice a modale opens. To progress in the flow, the user needs to complete the following steps:

  1. Complete each field : supplier account, expense and VAT account.

  2. Click on Mark as Ready to export

💡 Good to know : You can click on Save Information, the status won’t change, only the information entered will be saved for later use

Ready To export status

When an invoice is Marked as ready to export, its status will be “Ready to export” and it can be included in one export.

A “Ready to export” invoice can be edited, in the modal, a Confirm Modification button is available to validate the modification.

💡 Good to know : It is not possible for now to have multiple expense & VAT accounts for one invoice

Selection of the invoices among the ones which are ready to export

You have the possibility to select multiple invoices, if the selection includes Ready to Export and/or Exported invoices, one action is activated in the side panel : Export journal entries (CSV).

In the case the selection includes at least one “To Prepare” invoice, this button is disabled and the following message is displayed in a tooltip while hovering : Invoices in “to prepare” status cannot be exported.

Export of the CSV file

By clicking on the action Export journal entries (CSV) in the side panel a file is downloaded. A toaster (journal entries being exported) indicated the file is downloading.

This CSV has the following columns :

  • Identifiant unique = ID provided by Invoices

  • Date de facturation (Billing date) = Billing date verified from Invoices

  • Numéro de facture (Invoice number) = Invoice number verified from Invoices

  • Fournisseur (supplier) = Name of the supplier verified from Invoices

  • Compte (account number) = number in the chart

  • Compte Tiers (3rd party account) = subaccount for one account (especially for suppliers)

  • Intitulé (title) = name of the file

  • Débit (debit) = amount allocated in the debit

  • Crédit (credit) = amount allocated in the credit

  • Type (type) = by default as G, which stands for General (in opposite of Analytical)

After the processing, exported invoices will have an updated status Exported

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