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Intesa Sanpaolo H2H - Onboarding prerequisites

All the administrative steps that needs to be accomplished with Intesa Sanpaolo in order to be able to pay directly from Agicap.

Joseph Roulleaux-Dugage avatar
Written by Joseph Roulleaux-Dugage
Updated over a week ago

The partnership between Agicap and Intesa Sanpaolo enables you to pay directly from Agicap Payment without going to your bank interface.

This feature allows you to make payments an retrieve bank statements :

  • From your bank accounts located at Intesa Sanpaolo

  • From external bank accounts if Intesa Sanpaolo is your active bank

Prerequisites to establishing the connection

  1. Be a client of Intesa Sanpaolo
    The first step is for you is to open an account at the Italian branch of Intesa Sanpaolo if you are not a client already.

  2. Sign an host-to-host contract
    You then need to have an Host-to-host (H2H) contract signed by the legal representative of your company and by a representative of Agicap.

Estimated time before the connection is ready

Once the contract is signed, the delay for the service to be activated by Intesa can vary depending on the setup :

Service requested

Estimated delay

Bank statements only

2 weeks

Bank statements + Payment initiation

3 weeks

Setting Intesa as active bank

5 weeks

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