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Prepare your invoices with the right analytical bookkeeping
Updated over a year ago


With the newly introduced analytical bookkeeping you are now able to add more information to your invoices and receipts in order to better prepare them for your accouting software.

Why did we introduce them?

Analytical bookkeeping is a way for companies to group their costs into pre-defined groups (countries, departments etc.). These are then used in the bookeeping to alocate costs easier.

How does it work?

In order to start using the analytical codes you will need to set up a structure within Agicap. This strucutre is normally found in your accounting system. The concept of our analytical bookkeeping works as follows:

  • Analytical axis: Axis can be seen as logical groups such as Country or Department. The sub-categories are then called codes. Therefore: one axis consists of multipe codes.

  • Codes: Codes are the representation of sub-groups. E.g. in the axis Country you will be able to define codes for each country. (FR = 01, DE = 02).

In order to find the settings where to make the necessary change you will first navigate to the little wallet (Agicap Payment) on the left navigation bar. From there you click on the gear-wheel on the top right. Once clicked, you will find the option to select "Analytical plan". You can now define analytical axes as well as analytical codes and their description. See below:

Within the "Pre-accounting" tab you are then able to select analytical codes on a given expense account. See below:

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