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How to manage your credit notes independently?

Discover here how you can manage your credit notes independently

Updated over a year ago


Within the Supplier Invoice Management module you are now able to manage your receipts independently. This means rather than having to upload them within one invoice, as in the past, you now have a dedicated tab which is called "Credit notes" (see picture below).

What is the use case of this new feature?

Before introducing this new feature our customers had to upload a supplier's credit note to a supplier's invoice which caused some issues as credit notes are normally granted generally (vs. invoice specific). This meant that our customers were not able to manage their credit notes independently and therefore did not have an overview to which invoice / customers they still have open credit notes. The new feature allows our customers to upload the receipts in an independent tab, link them to current invoices in the "Verified" tab and see how many unused credit notes they still have.

How do I upload a credit note?

Within the new tab you will find the button to upload a new invoice. Similar to uploading an invoice, the OCR scanner will read out the most important information such as amount, beneficiary, currency or issue date. Once you have verified all the information you can click on "import credit note" in order to finish this step. (see below)

How do I apply a credit note to an invoice?

Users can click on “Link credit note” on a verified invoice and choose between 2 options:

  • Link existing one: to choose a credit note from the credit notes “tab”

  • Import new one: to upload a new credit note directly from here

Once linked to an invoice, the credit note impacts the invoice amount and acts as a discount. The linked credit note also moves from an "Available" status to a "Used" status in the credit notes workspace.

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