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Perform a partial reconciliation
Updated over 3 years ago

The partial reconciliation allows you to partially reconcile a bank transaction and an expected transaction. This is a great option if a down payment is made to you for example. 👌

To do this, go to the Expected tab 📆 then, click on the two arrows on the right on the line of the invoice in question. A window will open, you have the option to select the bank transaction corresponding to the partial payment. If the amount of the selected bank transaction is different from the amount of the invoice, by clicking on Next, you will see the reconciliation difference and the option to "Create an expected transaction".

Click on this button one or more times to create as many new expected transactions as you have future payments.

For a better understanding later, don't forget to name the new expected transaction in the clearest way possible ("Remaining to be paid on..." for example).

💡 Good to know: You can also perform a multiple reconciliation, i.e. reconcile a bank transaction with several invoices or conversely, an invoice with several bank transactions.

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